Saturday, March 14, 2009

Save your Eyes Save your PC - Go Green today

By Prof. Stephenie M spears

According to wiki experts and neuro scientists, the study of primary colors and wavelengths revealed that color blindness is caused due to lack of exposure to red-green-blue wavelengths. Green is the most restful to the eye and studies show that green environement and surroundings can reduce fatigue in the body.

As soon as you think about green, you can make sure that you feel sedate and settled. Green is the perfect color which has just about right wavelength to please the eyes and reduce mental fatigue. At 555nm (#2F6533 - color code), A yellowish - dark green shade is the median of all wavelengths and is light-adapted eye responds to it most effectively.

Go Green is again a term that has been extensively used by political parties and non profit organizations alike in the last decade or so to spread the word about preservation, eco-friendly awareness, renewable energy sources and recycled use of natural products. In the present IT era LCD monitors are fast replacing CRT monitors in order to save the energy consumption units around the world and reduce eye strains of millions of viewers. A web page with a white background uses approximately 74 watts that compared to 59 of Black on the computer screen. All the other wavelengths fall in between and vary in power saving units.

That brings us to the brink of new world of enterprises that are taking the world by storm and Internet being the most powerful median in the history of mankind, awareness of any essential thing is just a click away. While search engines like Blackle and envirogle moved to black theme with their google partnered search websites, and Greenmaven sites have opted for green theme to not only save PC power but also viewers eyes and provide healing support to its users.

Lately , OIW Green team has joined hands with to bring a new look to its homepage and has created ripples in SEO circles by its huge success. The former PLR article directory giant accepted to go for a no-advertisement green homepage as part of their moral responsibility and claim that has been receiving positive responses from the world over after their deeply thought and optimized move. The shade (#2F6533) and text fonts and colors have been researched extensively based on wavelength medians and has proved to be a significant band-aid for add ridden websites.

Well we at Nelson IT college have opted for Green theme like many other educational institutes around the globe and support as our moral responsibility. If nothing more , the effort and time put by the OIW green team to come up with the right wavelength color codes and combinations (#2F6533) deserves a pat on the back. The Try and see for yourselves approach of OIW has worked a treat and produces trustworthy results. You can use search for 5 minutes and switch to any other search engine to feel the difference on your own. Go Green Today!

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