Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How You Can Get Shawshank Redemption

By Steve Mildred

Currently, many of us movie lovers skip going to the theaters, and we look for the movies to show up at the video stores. You can now choose to acquire movie downloads through movie download sites. Here is a sample of the kinds of films which people are downloading from movie download sites.

Pulp Fiction is a hard movie to explain. The plot is more of a sequence (or out of sequence) of events than anything else. The characters and dialog are truly exceptional. I guess it's just classic Tarantino, if you like his work, you have to see Pulp Fiction.

The Godfather is considered one of the best movies of all time. This is the story of the Corleone mafia family, and its battles in the New York mafia underworld. With a superstar cast, Brando, Pacino, Caan, Duval etc., and directing by Francis Ford Coppola, this is an epic everyone must see.

The Dark Knight is the latest of the Batman movies. This is a darker and seedier version than the other Batman movies with spectacular special effects that has made it the top box office in 2008. In this movie we see Batman battle one of his classic rivals, the Joker.

Twelve Angry Men is an old (1957) classic. The story follows the jury deliberations of a murder trial. Juror number 8, Mr. Davis (Henry Fonda) is the lone dissenter, as the other 11 votes see the defendant as guilty. Eventually Mr. Davis gets the other jurors to drop their predispositions, and prejudices, and view the evidence more closely on its own merits. 12 Angry Men was one of the first noteworthy courtroom dramas.

Casablanca stars Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. It is considered one of the best films ever made. It's during WW2, in North Africa, and Rick (Humphrey Bogart) risks his life to send the woman he loves Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) to safety in America with her husband. This 1942 film has truly stood the test of time.

"In a distant galaxy far, far away". Star Wars is the classic sci-fi adventure for an entire generation. The setting is science fiction but the story line is a classic one, good versus evil. Darth Vader, the dark one, is pitted against the young Jedi warrior Luke Skywalker control of the universe is at stake.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the final chapter of the trilogy. This epic rendition of Tolkien's great books is a spectacular visual. An absolute must see film.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a film classic. This film takes an inside look at what it is like inside a mental institution as a patient. Jack Nicholson is simply outstanding as R. P. McMurphy, the main character.

In Shawshank Redemtion, Andy (Tim Robbins) has been sent to Shawshank prison, wrongly convicted of killing his wife. Inside Shawshank he forms a powerful friendship with fellow prisoner Red (Morgan Freeman). He refuses to give up, and his decent spirit helps improve the lives of his fellow prisoners. His escape, and Red's release see the two reunite outside of prison, in Mexico, when Andy's grand plan is finally fulfilled.

This list is just a few of the literally millions of movies that are available to download online. Movie downloads could be the best way to wind up with a great film library. Using movie downloads is a new way everyone can use the web for entertainment.

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