Friday, March 20, 2009

Download Movies Search Term "Breakout Online"

By Deming Marconcini

For years now, the video store was the way to get movies. The next generation it seems will be getting their movies from movie downloads, avoiding any trips to the store. Let's look at what you might find to watch using a movie download site.

Mission To Mars: In the year 2020 man has sent a team of astronauts to Mars. Then something happens. One cryptic message to Earth, then the crew is never heard from again. NASA quickly puts together a rescue flight. It will be six months before help arrives.

Millennium: When two planes collide in the sky, Bill Smith is sent in to investigate. The one cockpit recorder reveals a disturbing possibility. The implication is that people from a future Earth are traveling back in time to try and save the planet.

The Day The Earth Stood Still: This is a remake of the 1951 sci-fi classic. An alien spacecraft has landed on Earth. An alien named Klaatu is taken by the military. Klaatu explains that his robot Gorti has the power to destroy the Earth, and will do so if Earth proves to be a danger to the galaxy.

The Matrix: Neo feels that something isn't right in his world. When he is brought before the infamous Morpheus he is shown things that are hard to believe. He is given a choice, take the red pill and wake up in his old life, remembering nothing, or take the blue pill and be exposed to what is really going on in this world. He takes the blue, and away we go.

The Passion Of Christ: This movie deals with the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Betray by Judas he has been arrested, and taken to the leaders of Pharisees. It is the Roman Governor Pilate who ultimately decides his fate. He gives the Jews one last chance to choose to save Jesus, instead they choose to free Barrabas, a true criminal, and Jesus will now be crucified.

Space Cowboys: After missing out on being the first Americans in space in 1958, now senior citizens Frank Covin and his pilot buddies are getting a second chance. When Soviet communications satellite has problems, Frank, who designed it, is the only one capable of fixing it. So, now 42 years later, Frank and his friends will get their trip to outer space, becoming the first senior citizens to make such a voyage.

Night At The Museum: When Larry took the job as security guard and the National History Museum he had no idea what he was getting. Armed with a flashlight and an instruction book, he is on his own in the huge building. Amazingly, everything in the museum starts to come to life. From beasts to world leaders, everything is now alive. He has dreamed of being a hero all his life, his moment has now arrived.

Hard Target: Natasha is looking for her lost father. After a man saves her from some street thugs, she hires him to help her in her search for her father. Her father's body is eventually found, burned to death in a fire. A close examination of the crime reveals that the homeless war veteran was shot, his dog tags pierced by the bullet. It is soon discovered that there is something very sick going on in New Orleans. Rich bored men are paying big money to hunt human prey.

Consenting Adults: Richard and Priscilla Parker have a normal mundane life. When Eddy and Kay Otis move next door, everything is going to change. When thing escalate to wife swapping, things really start to spiral out of control.

With sites like napster, music has become a big internet business. The movie download industry is going to become as busy as the music download business is. Check out some movie download sites and see if it might be right for you.

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