Thursday, March 19, 2009

VoIP technology- Better quality at a fraction of the cost

By Adam McFarland

The plain fact is that many of the smaller businesses that exist today won't be here tomorrow. The world is mired in global recession, pushing production costs higher to compete in an ever-shrinking markets. Many small companies simply can't survive this sort of ratio, though it's sadly become the reality of the financial market.

Those who survive today's economic challenges will be the ones who can change with the changing times. Today's difficult markets make it essential for a business to be as efficient as possible, yet also maintain a degree of professional quality that the increasingly competitive business world demands.

The near and far of it is that small businesses need to improve their production quality with fewer resources. How can they possibly survive such a scenario?

Switching to a VoIp business phone system and business VoIP solutions is probably the most efficient method to cut costs while improving the quality of phone service. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology puts your phone system on the Internet, combining your Internet and telephone resources together for better efficiency. When you consider the savings involved, a VoIP phone system is cheaper than a traditional telephone line and offers more technological options for a more professional system.

With a switch to a VoIP business phone system and business VoIP solutions, a small company can virtually do away with its long distance costs. Any calls made to another VoIP phone are absolutely free. Calls made to other phones have a minimal cost, as low as 2 cents a minute and only after you've already used up your monthly allotted number of minutes.

While you are cutting costs and saving money on long distance, you get a sophisticated phone system. Most of your customers form their first impression of your company over the phone. You want that first interaction to be as professional sounding as possible. Your customers will judge your company by how efficiently their call is handled and whether or not they were cut off after being on hold for too long. With a VoIP system, you get the same sophisticated phone tree that used to be the territory of only the bigger companies that could afford it, and it will be cheaper than your current system.

Are you planning to move offices any time soon? Not looking forward to untangling all that mass of wires plugged into telecommunications closet? Make the move easy on yourself. A VoIP system can be easily transported, simply a matter of telling a computer to do something different. Too bad the water cooler and the filing cabinets won't be so easy.

Get competitive in this world. Make your phone service more efficient and more professional at the same. When the world demands more, boost the services your company offers with the best technology available.

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